The trailer of Akshay Kumar, Manushi Chhillar, Sanjay Dutt and Sonu Sood-starrer Prithviraj released recently amidst rave reviews. The audience was really impressed with the way Akshay Kumar has undertaken the role of Samrat Prithviraj Chauhan and the scale and grandeur of the film makes it a visual spectacle already. The vision of Dr Chandraprakash Dwivedi has come out beautifully on screen and now, the first song from the film, Hari Har, has been released and it just increases that magnificence.
The video of the song celebrates the valour of the warrior-king on the battlefield as he takes on his enemies and serves as the perfect introductory song for the brave and courageous soldier that he was. It also highlights the relationships he had with his people and also the love he had for his wife Queen Sanyogita. While Akshay very impressively brings out the intensity and courage in the demeanor of Samrat Prithviraj Chauhan, Manushi too is very effortless on screen and has imbibed the character of Princess Sanyogita efficiently. The music for the film is composed by Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy with lyrics given by Varun Grover for the song. Adarsh Shinde has given his voice to Hari Har and this combination has made a goosebump-inducing track, supported amazingly with the visuals.
Check out the song here:
Prithviraj marks the first time Akshay being a part of a period film, and it also marks Miss World 2017 Manushi’s Hindi film debut. The actor even became emotional remembering his mother during the trailer launch and said that she would have been proud to see him essay this historic role. The film is produced by Aditya Chopra under Yash Raj Films and directed by Dr Chandraprakash Dwivedi, who is known for his historic series like Chanakya, Mritunjay and the tragic love story set during the partition of India, Pinjar. The film is slated to release theatrically on June 3, 2022.
Also read: Prithviraj trailer: Akshay Kumar, Sanjay Dutt, Manushi Chhillar starrer looks magnificent