Priyanka Chopra who is currently in London with her husband, Nick Jonas was reportedly caught flouting UK lockdown rules. As per a report in, in pictures by Mail Online, Priyanka was accompanied by her mother Madhu Chopra and her dog Diana as she visited a salon at around 4.55 pm. Celebrity stylist Josh Wood was also with them. Police arrived at the salon and they were seen ordering the customers to be out of the salon. Reportedly, Priyanka left the salon with a bag of Josh Wood goodies.
Later, Priyanka’s representative told “Following government guidance, Priyanka’s hair was coloured for the purpose of the film she is currently shooting in London. The salon was opened privately for the production and everyone involved had been tested and followed both the DCMS working guidelines and the film production regulations. As I am sure you are aware, Film and TV production is permitted to continue in the UK, and locations can continue to accommodate shoots and recces that are carried out in-line with government guidelines. The exemption paperwork legally permitting her to be there was provided to the police, and they left satisfied.”
View this post on Instagram quoted a spokesperson for the Metropolitan Police saying, “Police were alerted at around 17:40hrs on Wednesday, 6 January to reports of a Covid breach taking place within a hairdressers on Lansdowne Mews, Notting Hill. Officers attended and the owner of the salon was given a verbal reminder of the important need to comply with all regulations regarding Covid-19 and signposted to other sources of advice. No fixed penalty notices were issued.”
Priyanka is in London for the shooting of her next film, ‘Text For You’.