Priyanka Chopra Jonas shared an adorable photo of herself with her daughter Malti Marie Jonas on her Instagram. The actress made a heartwarming post and dedicated it to her friend of 22 years. Priyanka shared yet another photo with her little one. Although, the actress chose to not reveal the face of her little one in the photo.
In the photo, the Jee Le Zaraa actress can be seen dressed in casuals. She is wearing Khaki coloured shorts and a tank top. PeeCee can be seen wearing a baby wrap carrier. Priyanka Chopra can be seen holding her daughter Malti Marie Jonas up close herself.
Sharing the photo, Chopra wrote, “22 years and counting.. and now with our babies.. love you @tam2cul #bestfriends #Godson #friendslikefamily (sic).” She can be seen posing with her ‘best friend’ and her godson. The actress spoke about the friendship bond of her with her friend of 22 years and counting, with their babies.
Take a look at the photo below:
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Earlier, Priyanka had shared a photo of her mother, Dr Madhu Chopra with her daughter Malti Marie. She shared the photo giving an adorable glimpse of her little one. And it was too cute for words.
Check out the post below:
Meanwhile, Chopra has been in the US, with her family. The actress often shares photos of her on her Instagram.
On the work front, the actress has the movie Jee Le Zaraa in her kitty. She has not yet kick-started the prep on the film. Priyanka also has the web series Citadel. The actress recently wrapped up the shooting schedule of the Russo Brothers web series. She even posted photos and videos from the sets. Apart from that, PeeCee has the movie It’s All Coming Back To Me, with Celine Dion and Sam Heughan in the pipeline.
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