Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra has added another feather up her cap. The actress who has been juggling Indian and international projects for a while now has apparently been approached by a US-based travel agency. The agency has offered the actress a 10 crore deal. They want Priyanka on board as their brand ambassador.
Sources say, “The owners of the travel firm had spoken to Priyanka about the offer on her recent visit to the US. They want her to be their brand ambassador, and have offered her `10 crore.”
Sources added that, Priyanka Chopra is apparently considering the proposal, and wants to know the details about the company and the offer before giving her nod. She has asked the organisation to send the offer documents. She will take a call about the offer when she returns to Mumbai from Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh.
Priyanka Chopra is currently shooting for filmmaker Prakash Jha’s next directorial ‘Gangaajal 2’.
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