Actor Priyanka Chopra is busy shooting her upcoming series Citadel which is helmed by the Russo Brothers, creators of Avengers Infinity War and Endgame. Just recently, she attended an event in Paris with Anne Hathaway and BLACKPINK’s Lisa. As she is back from the event, PeeCee resumed her Citadel shooting by dropping some really beautiful yet sexy pictures from the sets.
Priyanka Chopra Jonas took to her Instagram account and dropped a few selfies as well as a video. In the pictures, we see the Quantico star sensuously posing for selfies. Keeping her hair in messy curls and liminal makeup, Priyanka is really oozing the oomph factor. She is seen wearing a white shirt with a deep neckline as she has unbuttoned the outfit.
However, the one thing that completely grabbed our attention was ‘jiju’ Nick Jonas’ reaction to her photos. Absolutely smitten by her latest pics, Nick Jonas dropped a comment saying ‘Wow’. And yes, we are completely wowed to see Priyanka Chopra’s latest photos.
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Interestingly, the Sucker singer has also shared a few monochrome pictures on his Instagram and his wifey can’t seem to calm down. She left a comment saying, “S.T.O.P” followed by fire, drooling and heart eyes emojis in the comment section. LoL, Priyanka and Nick social media comments are just unmissable.
Meanwhile, Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas embraced parenthood after they welcomed their daughter Malti Marie Chopra Jonas via surrogacy. On Mother’s Day, she shared the first picture with the baby. A part of the note read, “On this Mother’s Day we can’t help but reflect on these last few months and the rollercoaster we’ve been on, which we now know, so many people have also experienced. After 100 plus days in the NICU, our little girl is finally home. Every family’s journey is unique and requires a certain level of faith, and while ours was a challenging few months, what becomes abundantly clear, in retrospect, is how precious and perfect every moment is. We are overjoyed that our little girl is finally home”
Also read: Priyanka Chopra Jonas’ fans are all praise about ‘Jiju’ Nick Jonas, Here’s why