Bollywood actress and Unicef goodwill ambassador Priyanka Chopra was in Delhi recently. The diva met Prime Minister Narendra Modi for an ‘insightful’ and ‘positive’ conversation on making healthcare accessible for women, children and adolescents in the country. The Quantico star took to her social media handle and shared a photograph of herself with Modi, Health Minister J.P. Nadda and former President of Chile Michelle Bachelet.

Dressed in a traditional white outfit, the 35-year-old beauty looked ethereal standing next to Prime Minister Modi. She along with the delegation, invited the Prime Minister to join the upcoming Partners’ Forum, to be held in the capital in December. (Also Check: Priyanka Chopra stuns in a blue dress at a Delhi event! VIEW PICS)


She also expressed gratitude to the PM for meeting them and revealed her discussion with Modi, Priyanka wrote: “It was an insightful, positive conversation which was very heartening and inspiring because of the personal commitment of everyone at the meeting. We covered a lot of ground from the various efforts being taken by individual countries and partners to building a collective environment that could help propel the change we seek for a better world.”

On the work front, Priyanka has apparently given her nod to the Kalpana Chawla biopic. She might also star opposite Salman Khan in upcoming Ali Abbas Zafar directorial ‘Bharat’.