Priyanka Chopra is just as experimental with her fashion as she is with her roles in movies. The actress has always been one of the trendsetters with her out of the box fashion sense. But, some of Priyanka’s looks have often ended up to be a treat for social media as netizens have turned it into memes. Priyanka was recently seen rocking a Halpern orb dress that was also worn by British actress Gemma Chan wore for the cover of Elle magazine.
The quirky dress became like gold for the memers as memes were being rolled out one after the other. This left Priyanka in splits and she took to her social media account to share some of the hilarious memes as she could not stop laughing.
In one of the memes, Priyanka was turned into a pokemon called Priyankemon. In another, The Sky is Pink actress was compared to a pufferfish. From a parachute to a firecracker, Priyanka had become the face of it all.
Check out the hilarious memes below:
This wasn’t the first time that Priyanka’s outfit was being turned into memes. Back in 2017, Priyanka Chopra’s dress from the Met Gala was also trolled hilariously by netizens. Also, the 2019 Met Gala that was inspired by the Camps: Note on Fashion was also trolled and sparked a meme fest on social media.
Also Read: Priyanka Chopra wishes sister-in-law Sophie Turner on her birthday with an adorable post