Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh’s wedding is currently the talk of the town. But now that they are married the attention shifts to, actress Priyanka Chopra wedding to her singer-songwriter beau Nick Jonas. Reportedly Priyanka and Nick’s wedding will take place at Rajasthan’s Jodhpur city. It seems like wedding preparations are in full swing and Priyanka Chopra’s mother Madhu has even reached Jodhpur to check the preparations.
In an Instagram video shared by Zoom TV, Madhu Chopra is pretty happy with wedding taking place at Jodhpur. When asked about Jodhpur, Madhu said that it is a very beautiful city and we have come here leaving all other places in the world. With that statement, did Madhu Chopra take a sly dig at Deepika and Ranveer’s destination wedding, which was held at Italy’s Lake Como?
You can check out her video below:
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And the ladkiwale arrive at #Jodhpur as @priyankachopra’s mom talks about the wedding ??
According to reports, Priyanka Chopra and Deepika Padukone’s relation has been rocky as they had a fallout of sorts. The two used to share good bonhomie and were even seen together in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s ‘Bajirao Mastani’. For the last few years, they have constantly been pitched against each other with both of them making their Hollywood debut in the same year and now their wedding is also taking place in the same year.
Talking about Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas’ relationship, well they have garnered attention not only in India but also in the USA. The duo first met during the Met Gala in 2017. Priyanka despite being busy with her nuptials is currently in Delhi shooting for Shonali Bose’s ‘The Sky Is Pink’ alongside Farhan Akhtar and Zaira Wasim.
The celebrated couple recently had their respective bachelor parties and it indeed was a wild ride! The wedding in Rajasthan will be a royal affair and a perfect example of East meeting West.
Also Read: Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas to wear Ralph Lauren brand for their wedding?
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