Priyanka Chopra is on a cloud nine at the moment as she has found a perfect balance between her personal and professional life. Earlier today, Priyanka’s brother Siddharth Chopra had his Roka ceremony with Ishita Kumar. Now, on social media, quite a few pictures are doing the rounds regarding this Roka ceremony.
Now, Priyanka’s hubby Nick Jonas was also present at the ceremony and was looking quite handsome in the Indian attire. Nick Jonas decided to go all desi for his Desi girl’s family by wearing an ivory coloured sherwani and twinning with his better half.
Check out all the pics here:
The ‘Baywatch’ actress had posted a heart-felt message congratulating her brother Siddharth and her would-be sister in law Ishita Kumar on their Roka. She also shared pics from the ceremony.
Priyanka is extremely close to her brother and is immensely protective of him. The actress also got married in December 2018 and has started her married innings with Nick Jonas on a great note.
Nick Jonas has totally become half Indian as he has seamlessly gelled into the Chopra family and is not shy to embrace the Indian culture. The great thing about Priyanka and Nick is that they have proved that love has no boundaries.
Here’s wishing Priyanka’s baby brother Siddharth and Ishita a lifetime of happiness. Stay tuned to Bollywood Bubble for all the latest news and updates.
Also Read: In Pics: Priyanka Chopra wishes baby brother Siddharth Chopra on his Roka ceremony
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