Priyanka Chopra is breaking the glass ceilings one day at a time. After announcing the nominees for the Oscars, the actress on Sunday did the honours for the 74th British Academy Film Awards aka BAFTAs. Priyanka surely knows how to make head turns with her style and joining her was Nick Jonas who complimented her like no one before. The hubby-wifey duo set the internet on fire with their amazing chemistry. For BAFTAs, Priyanka Chopra opted for a black gown with a heavily embellished corset design. She kept her makeup minimal but lips bold pairing with statement earrings and hair loosely tied in a bubble braid making for quite a vision.
For her second look, Priyanka donned a pink blazer top which was heavily embellished for BAFTAs. She paired it with white pyjama pants and high heel boots. She did not change her hair for this look and managed to stun us with two different appearances. Joining him a classic black tuxedo is Nick Jonas and together the two make for a lovely couple. For the couple picture, Priyanka Chopra wrote, “Hot date @nickjonas #BAFTAS.” Fans have been showering the couple with immense love yet again on social media. Priyanka presented the award under the category Rising Star Award that honours new talent at BAFTAs.
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After the Oscars announcement, Priyanka had shared some random pictures with Nick where the couple was seen having some fun time. One of her posts read, “One way or the other…? Congratulations to all the nominees. And thank you @theacademy for the opportunity. @gregwilliamsphotography you fit right into our manic Monday. Thank you for the pictures.”
On the work front, Nick Jonas released his album recently, while Priyanka hinted at doing a Hindi film soon. She has already announced her next collaborations as a producer.
Also Read: Priyanka Chopra to be a presenter at the 74th BAFTA