Priyanka Chopra

Whoa!! This lady is unstoppable. Priyanka Chopra has been invited to be a part of a seven-member jury of the Shorts Festival section at the upcoming Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF).


Her jury will also comprise of co-judges and famous personalities like James Franco (Spider-Man 3, 127 Hours), Ben Richardson (cinematographer of Beasts of the Southern Wild), Ava DuVernay (director, Selma), Canadian writer-director Xavier Dolan (director, Mommy), Nabil Elderkin (music video director and photographer) and Rachel Ryle (stop-motion animation artist).

Participants from across the globe will be submitting 60-second films through their Instagram accounts after which the jury will handpick entries to be screened on each day of the 10-day Toronto International Film Festival which will start from Sept 8.

This is not the first time that PeeCee is associated with TIFF. The first time she had been to the festival was in 2009 when Ashutosh Gowariker screened his film with her, ‘What’s Your Raashee?’

Currently, PeeCee has started shooting for the second season of the series ‘Quantico’. Priyanka had already enthralled us as Alex Parrish in season 1 and also won awards.

We cannot wait for the second part to go on air already!

ALSO READ: LOL! This is how Priyanka Chopra managed to fool her mom