Priyanka Chopra is amongst the few celebrities who has now urged the USA government to help India fight COVID 19. In March alone, India has managed to surpass other countries as it witnessed an all-time high surge in COVID 19 cases across the country. With the healthcare system collapsing and not enough supply of oxygen and medicines, the death toll is also rising by the day. In such a grim situation, Priyanka Chopra took to Twitter to urge the USA government to help India with raw materials for vaccines. The tweet came in response to the USA banning the export of raw materials for the vaccine to India.
“My heart breaks. India is suffering from COVID19 & the US has ordered 550M more vaccines than needed @POTUS @WHCOS @SecBlinken @JakeSullivan46 Thx for sharing AstraZeneca worldwide, but the situation in my country is critical. Will you urgently share vaccines w/ India? #vaxlive,” Priyanka Chopra wrote.
While a few users appreciated her gesture, many others were quick to point out that the issue of the ban was already resolved. In a development, after a call between Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and POTUS Joe Biden, America has pledged to help India with vaccines and healthcare needs required as India battles the worst pandemic with the second wave of coronavirus.
Priyanka Chopra is currently in the USA and has been a global figure. She has been sharing relevant information via tweets to help amplify information with regards to COVID care in India. POTUS Joe Biden in a tweet wrote, “Today, I spoke with Prime Minister @narendramodi and pledged America’s full support to provide emergency assistance and resources in the fight against COVID-19. India was there for us, and we will be there for them.”