Actress Priyanka Chopra‘s search for a new house has finally come to an end. After almost three years of hunting, Chopra has finally found a sea-facing bungalow located at Juhu, Mumbai. It is a luxurious house with five bedrooms with a spectacular view of the wide open sea.
With this, PeeCee is also moving out of her parental house in Yari Road where her parents have been stayed for a few decades now. While talking to a leading publication, she laughingly shared how her mom is being sad over she moving out and shifting to her own house.
“My mother (Madhu Chopra) is going, ‘Haaye… umbilical cord katt gaya,’ because I am not living with her for the first time in my life”, the actress chuckles.
However, Priyanka has always looked up to her mom for advice pertaining to real estate, and describes her as “a risk-taker as an investor.”. “We go back and forth on ideas and mutually work towards an agreement. We are both feisty and opinionated so we go ahead with a plan only when we are on the same page”, she adds.
Can’t wait to get a few glimpses of her new house? Neither can we!
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.