Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas have taken the media, all around the globe, by storm ever since rumours of them being a couple was out on social media. Yesterday, a Roka ceremony took place at Priyanka’s home in Mumbai that was attended by their family and close friends. The Roka was followed by a party which the diva hosted for her Bollywood friends and a number of them made sure to join in the celebrations. After seeing the arrival pictures, let’s take a look at the inside pictures and videos from the bash.
Check them out here:
The first picture of the engaged couple is truly endearing. Priyanka looked gorgeous in a salmon colour dress while Nick was seen in a white and brown collared t-shirt.
Nick and Priyanka pose with the Nick’s parents, Denise and Kevin. The mother was looking adorable in a pink saree and the father was dressed in a black suit.
Priyanka Chopra’s mother Dr. Madhu Chopra posed with Nick’s mother Denise Jonas at the engagement bash.
Parineeti shares a picture with her “brother-in-law and sis”.
Priyanka Chopra’s Bade Papa was captured on camera with her father-in-law Kevin Jonas.
Nick Jonas posed with his mother Denise Jonas for the camera.
Nick and Priyanka pose with Sandiip Bhargava, Chief Executive Officer at Purple Pebble Pictures, which is PeeCee’s production house.
The very much in love couple was seen posing with cousin Parineeti Chopra and friends Alia Bhatt and Arpita Khan Sharma.
Priyanka poses for a selfie with Alia, Arpita and Mushtaq.
Nick captures ladylove Priyanka dancing her heart out at their engagement bash.
Shilarna Vaze, who is popularly known as Chef Chinu, poses with the couple of the hour.