Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh’s celebrations are over and on the other hand, Priyanka Chopra tied the knot with Nick Jonas. The lovebirds got married according to Christian traditions on December 1 and now today, they will tie the knot as per the Hindu customs. The wedding is taking place at Jodhpur’s Umaid Bhawan palace.
Social media can be very unforgiving and merciless. It can sometimes create havoc with their offensive and rude language. As the whole world knows, Priyanka Chopra is older to Nick Jonas by 10 years and Nick is also an American dude. Twitterati wasted no time and tried giving their expert opinion on Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas’ marriage. The list includes mean and nasty comments and also some funny memes.
So priyanka chopra really made Nick Jonas,Joe jones and sophie turner wear indian outfits…Wow WE STAN..!!?
— $alwa? (@Salwa_S05) November 28, 2018
Wow nick and priyanka are actually schmidt and cece in real life
— Mack (@mackthomp_) November 28, 2018
Priyanka and Nick will get married. What a lovely couple! Women should marry younger men to live a healthier and happier life.
— taslima nasreen (@taslimanasreen) November 27, 2018
My face looking at these Priyanka and Nick mehendi photos ????
— Nabela (@Nabela) December 1, 2018
Sophie Turner will see how brutal Indian aunties are at weddings and realise that the Red Wedding was a lot kinder.
— chethana (@iamdatemike) November 29, 2018
The happiest Sansa Stark will ever look at a wedding #NickyankaWedding
— Shreemi Verma (@shreemiverma) December 1, 2018
I love Twitter. ????
— Angoor Stark ??? (@ladywithflaws) December 1, 2018
1) this piece is really lovely 2) nick literally slid into priyanka’s dm’s…they didn’t meet for a year…and then he proposed on the third date…nick jonas has actually been a desi man all along
— vandana (@vandanaiscool) November 29, 2018
We certainly hope that, NickYanka avoid all the surround sound and live their lives on own terms.
Also Read: Priyanka-Nick wedding: Ralph Lauren shares post on what the couple wore on their wedding
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