Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas got engaged to each other on August 18 in the presence of their family and close friends. Nick, along with his parents, Kevin Jonas and Denise Jonas flew down to India for the roka ceremony and an engagement bash. The pictures from the couple’s special day did prove that the Jonas family had happily embraced Indian culture. They wore traditional outfits, became a part of Indian rituals and danced their hearts out to Punjabi songs.
For those who do not know, Nick’s mum, Denise had recently shared an unseen video from the engagement bash wherein she can be seen trying to match steps with her samdhan, Madhu Chopra. We were in a state of surprise to see that mama Jonas, was spot on and trying to inculcate everything Indian so quickly. While the video of Chopra mum and Mama Jonas was all things cute, Priyanka’s reaction to the same was way more cutesy.
Piggy Chops left a comment saying, ‘Love’ and ‘Munde Di Maa’.
Have a look at the same here:
Isn’t that sweet?
Meanwhile, talking about Nickyanka’s impending marriage, it is being reported that the two will get hitched in the month of October and have apparently chosen Hawaii as the destination for their wedding.
On the work front, Priyanka Chopra has Shonali Bose’s film ‘The Sky Is Pink’ featuring Farhan Akhtar and Zaira Wasim in her kitty. The ‘Dostana’ actress has already shot for some parts of the film. Besides that, PeeCee also has a Hollywood film titled ‘Isn’t It Romantic’ that is ready to hit the screens on Valentine’s Day, 2019.
Also Read: After ‘The Sky Is Pink’, Priyanka Chopra to star in Vishal Bhardwaj’s next