Last year on the same day Shahid Kapoor starrer ‘Kabir Singh’ released. As the movie completes one-year of its theatrical release, producer Murad Khetani remembers some of the fondest memories of the movie. He said, “Memories of ‘Kabir Singh’ will be there forever. I have chased for the remake rights for almost four months. Then I got Sandeep (Reddy Vanga) on board, then Shahid and Kiara. All the memories of sitting together, doing sessions, the jamming on scripts, songs, the fun we had during shooting, everything will be remembered.”
Many bought into the story of ‘Kabir Singh’ but the movie faced a lot of backlash from a section of audience and critics for glorifying toxic masculinity and misogyny. When asked how did it affect him as a producer, Khetani said, “It was a huge controversy and it did affect us. Nobody was promoting drugs or whatever it was. It was the character of the film. That was the story of the character what happened in his life and all. Nobody was promoting all those things.”
‘Kabir Singh’ was one of the blockbusters of 2019. The original music, songs became chartbusters and they are still in everyone’s playlists. The movie bagged several awards for its music and songs. But it didn’t bag many awards despite being nominated for many categories. On this, Murad said, “We are happy whatever we got. We got very much love from the audience. It was released on Netflix last year in September and within three months, it was the most-watched movie on Netflix of the year.”
‘Kabir Singh’ was the remake of Telugu movie ‘Arjun Reddy’ helmed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga. It also starred Kiara Advani opposite Shahid Kapoor.
Meanwhile, Murad Khetani is collaborating yet again with director Sandeep for another movie. The script is almost ready. Once he comes to Mumbai, they will start pitching to actors.
Also Read: Shahid Kapoor wins the internet with his reply to not receiving any awards for ‘Kabir Singh’