After detaching himself from Kapil Sharma’s show, post the major fight that rocked the news channels and portals, Sunil Grover is set to enthrall us in a special show. He will have company of members like Ali Asgar, Sugandha Mishra, Sanket Bhosle and a few more, who were also a part of Kapil’s show, but they quit due to the comedian’s bad behaviour. Well, much to their delight, Sunil and team have support of none other than Salman Khan.
Salman Khan has shot a special two-hour long episode with these comedians promoting his film ‘Tubelight’. We came across a promo of the same. Though Sunil Grover is missing from this promo, the other three comedians are more than enough to make us go ROFL. This seems like a tight slap on Kapil’s face, who apparently didn’t value his co-comedians. Watch the promo below. (Also Read: Salman Khan irked at a reporter after being asked uncomfortable questions)
Get ready to welcome Laxman Singh Bisht in your town! But before that, meet him very soon in @SupernightWithTubelight on Sony TV.
— Sony TV (@SonyTV) June 4, 2017
Nice! We look forward to this episode.
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.