Last week, the first look of Akshay Kumar from his upcoming film ‘Laxmmi Bomb’ was unveiled. Soon after that, the film’s director Raghava Lawrence took to his Twitter handle and announced that he is walking out of the film. Raghava said he felt insulted and no one from the film’s team even cared to inform him before unveiling the first look of his own film. He also stated that there are several other reasons why he is leaving the project as he cannot compromise on his self-respect.
Soon after Raghava’s announcement his fans and followers were disappointed. While some of them lauded the filmmaker’s decision, others urged him to reconsider his decision. Now much to their surprise, Raghava in one of his recent poss stated that he might reconsider his decision but only when he is given proper self-respect for his job.
He even shared that the producers of ‘Laxmmi Bomb’ are coming to meet him in Chennai, so everything is in their hands now. Raghava’s post read, “I was very thrilled to do this film, as I almost waited very long to direct this film, spent a quality time on pre-production works and have also blocked my dates for this film. Tomorrow, the producers are coming to Chennai to meet me. It’s completely in their hands now, if I’m given proper self-respect for my job, then I’ll think about it. Wanted to share this message to all the fans who were genuinely concerned”
You can read his entire post below:
Dear Friends and Fans!!!
Wanted to share this important message to all the fans who were Genuinely concerned.#LaxmmiBomb— Raghava Lawrence (@offl_Lawrence) May 25, 2019
‘Laxmmi Bomb’, is the Hindi remake of the hit Tamil film ‘Kanchana’, and it stars Akshay Kumar and Kiara Advani in the lead roles. Raghava not only starred in ‘Kanchana’ but also directed the horror-comedy series. Going by the film’s success, Raghava would be the only apt person to direct the Hindi remake as well. Don’t you guys agree?
Also Read: ‘Laxmmi Bomb’ director Raghava Lawrence quits Akshay Kumar film, says he felt insulted
Cinephile. Bibliophile. Pluviophile. Selenophile. Autophile. Aesthete. Blood group- Tea positive. Poetry lover. Sucker of rom-coms.
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