Television producer and actor Raghu Ram is going to be daddy soon and the news is announced by him today. Taking to his Instagram handle, Raghu posted a picture with his wife Natalie Di Luccio where he was seen holding her from back putting his hands on her baby bump while Natalie was seen holding a little pair of shoes.
Announcing the news, Raghu wrote, “Getting ready for the biggest adventure of my life yet! @nataliediluccio #OverTheMoon.”
Here’s the picture below.
We congratulate Raghu and his wife on their new journey.
Raghu got married to Natalie on December 12, 2018, in a traditional South Indian ceremony. Later, they also had a white wedding.
Earlier while talking to Mumbai Mirror as how he had fallen in love with the Italian-Canadian singer, Raghu said, “I forwarded her videos to a few friends. Later, she was in Mumbai and apparently everyone she met asked her to connect with me. When we finally did in 2011, she put up a picture with me on Facebook and everyone warned her against me. We met socially once or twice over the years. I always found her sweet, gentle and graceful. We decided to meet up and we got along really well. One thing led to another and here we are. On March 26 last year, we made it official as a couple, Natalie has really taken me by surprise.”
Raghu was earlier married to actress Sugandha Garg but they called it a quit.
Also Read: Raghu Ram is now married to singer Natalie Di Luccio; view pics