Raj Kumar Gupta, who is known for movies like ‘Aamir’ and ‘No One Killed Jessica’, will now be making a spy thriller based on the life of Ravinder Kaushik, an actor-turned-RAW agent who was also called The Black Tiger. According to a report in Mumbai Mirror, Gupta obtained the rights to portray his story on celluloid from his family.
“It’s an emotional and remarkable story. We are at the script at the scripting stage right now. I am humbled by his family’s trust in me,” the director was quoted as saying by the tabloid.
Gupta plans to base the film in real locations and shoot the film across Rajasthan, Punjab, Delhi and Iran. The story will capture the spy’s journey from ages 21 to 49.
Speaking about the film, Ravinder Kaushik’s sister Shashi Vashisht said, “I know my brother’s story is very unique and many people have approached us to make a film on him, but it never felt right because it is very personal for us. When Raj Kumar Gupta approached us, we felt confident since we knew of his films like ‘No One Killed Jessica’. He is a sensible filmmaker, and he is the right person to tell my brother’s story for the first time.”
On the work front, Raj Kumar Gupta’s ‘India’s Most Wanted’ starring Arjun Kapoor will also be releasing soon.
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Also read: Filmmaker Raj Kumar Gupta is now married to ‘No One Killed Jessica’ actress Myra Karn