Shilpa Shetty is vacationing with her family in Himachal Pradesh. The diva has been sharing videos and pictures from her stay there. Most of them were of her children and herself. But now pictures of the actress with her businessman husband Raj Kundra are viral on the internet.
Shilpa Shetty and Raj Kundra are seen visiting many shrines during their stay there. Photos of Raj performing puja and posing with locals in Himachal have created a buzz on social media. The husband and wife were snapped twinning in yellow for the spiritual outing. Pictures of Raj Kundra’s first public outing post his bail are viral on the internet.
This is Raj Kundra first public appearance post his bail.
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The photos are of Raj Kundra accompanying his actress wife Shilpa Shetty Kundra to a temple. In the now-viral photos, Shilpa is seen holding Raj’s hand as they visit the Jwalaji Devi and Maa Chamunda Devi Temple in Himachal.
For the unversed, Raj Kundra was arrested in a pornography case. He was accused of the production and distribution of porn films. After spending almost two months in jail he was granted bail in September, Since then Raj has been keeping a low profile. He has also deleted his social media accounts. This is his first outing and the pictures have created a buzz on social media.
On the work front, Shilpa Shetty Kundra was last seen judging the dance reality show, Super Dancer 4.