Recently, the rumour mill was abuzz that actor Rajesh Khattar is going through financial troubles and that he is gone bankrupt. Reacting to the rumours Rajesh said that it has upset him a lot. He told a leading daily that the rumours amused him and how Shahid Kapoor and son Ishaan Khatter’s names were also linked into it. Talking to ETimes he said, “I have been fending calls from friends who have been asking me whether I have hit a rough patch financially. Initially, I was amused by these reports, but they soon started affecting me.”
He further added that son and actor Ishaan Khatter and his brother Shahid Kapoor were dragged into the mess in bad taste, “That was in bad taste. They dragged them into it. We actors are accustomed to the occupational hazards of such baseless rumours circulating, but this was a bit much. God forbid, if I ever reach that stage, I have my family to support me. Everyone is going through a difficult time and being sensitive is the need of the hour.”
The rumours began to go rife when Rajesh’s wife, actress Vandana Sajnani said in an interview that the couple had exhausted their savings in the past two years due to the hospitalizations and the pandemic. Further Rajesh had also taken to his Instagram and written, “While the entire nation is uniting to tide over this unprecedented situation of pandemic & extending a helping hand to each other do we really have to peddle misery to sell stories ? Its obvious that positive stories don’t make good copies(the fact that I came out of hospitalisation & am still recuperating from a grave case of covid is no news).”
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He had further added, “I thank everyone who expressed their concern & assure them that we are good & to my friends in media I want to say – by all means you can be creative but please verify basic facts before posting a story because there are hordes of people who treat every word written or spoken by you as gospel truth. #staysafe #stayhome(sic)”