The legendary actor of Bollywood, Rajinikanth has been shooting with Bear Grylls for his renowned show ‘Man Vs Wild’. Earlier today reports started making headlines that the superstar was injured while shooting for the show in Bandipur Tiger Reserve. Soon his fans and well-wishers couldn’t stop enquiring about his health condition. However, we have got the latest report on the same.
Some reports stated that Rajinikanth got injured while shooting with Bear Grylls. However, as per the latest report by IANS, the actor suffered no injuries during the shoot of Discovery Channel’s popular program ‘Man vs Wild’ in Bandipur Tiger Reserve.
While talking about the reports of the actor’s injury, T. Balachandra, the reserve’s director and conservator of forests, informed the news agency, “It is all false. As per the screenplay, there was a shot in which Rajinikanth had to fall, so while getting down from the rope, he just fell down and everybody rushed. It was all in the screenplay.”
Here’s a picture of the actor with host Bear
After our episode with Prime Minister @NarendraModi of India helped create a bit of TV history, (3.6 billion impressions), Bollywood superstar @Rajinikanth joins me next, as he makes his TV debut on our new show #IntoTheWildWithBearGrylls on @DiscoveryIN. #ThalaivaOnDiscovery
— Bear Grylls (@BearGrylls) January 29, 2020
Now, that’s a relief to know that the actor has not injured himself and he is hale and hearty.
On the work front, Rajinikanth was last seen sharing the screen space with Nayantara in the film, ‘Darbar’. The film was directed by AR Murugadoss and it was released in Tamil, Telugu, and Hindi.
For more such updates, stay hooked on to Bollywood Bubble.
Also Read: ‘Man Vs Wild’: Rajinikanth to feature in this Bear Grylls’ show; Netizens erupt with hilarious memes
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