Tamil film ‘Mersal’ has been in the centre of all controversies for the past few days. First, the film’s title was under a copyright issue and then it’s skyrocketing ticket prices created quite a stir. If that wasn’t enough, the Tamil Nadu Government Doctors’ Association condemned the film for the alleged cynical portrayal of doctors working in government-operated hospitals. In the end, the state’s BJP unit opposed the film’s screening because of a reference to The goods and Service Tax (GST) and Digital India. But amidst all of this, Thalaiva, Rajinikanth has given a big thumbs up to the film. The actor took to Twitter and wrote “Important topic addressed… Well done !!! Congratulations team #Mersal”. [sic]
Important topic addressed… Well done !!! Congratulations team #Mersal
— Rajinikanth (@rajinikanth) October 22, 2017
Source: Twitter
Three days ago, superstar Kamal Hassan too had come out in support of Mersal.
Mersal was certified. Dont re-censor it . Counter criticism with logical response. Dont silence critics. India will shine when it speaks.
— Kamal Haasan (@ikamalhaasan) October 20, 2017
Source: Twitter
The film starring south superstar Vijay has already crossed 100 crores at the box office in 3 days in India. If trade figures are anything to go by then ‘Mersal’ is giving tough competition to ‘Golmaal Again’ and ‘Secret Superstar’ in the overseas markets. (Also Read: Amitabh Bachchan to step in Rajnikanth’s shoes for Hindi version of ‘Kabali’?)