Filmmaker Rajkumar Hirani has apparently jumped into the biopic band wagon, while others are making biopics on sports personalies, Raju has decided to make it on none other than his good friend Sanjay Dutt. Sanju who has just returned to Yerawada jail after his parole ended, shares a great camaraderie with the filmmaker and the two have worked together for the Munnabhai franchise.
As per sources, Sanju who is serving his sentence regarding the Mumbai Blasts, had been given a parole to take care of his sick wife Manyata who was diagnosed with a tumour. Rumour has it that Bollywood heartthrob Ranbir Kapoor has reportedly been roped in to play Dutt in the movie.
Seems like a season of Biopics as another one is being made on India’s victory in the 1983 cricket World Cup is also underway, and Kapil Dev, India’s captain for the winning team, is set to advise the writers for the film