The teaser of Sanjay Dutt biopic was launched with much fanfare by the makers on Tuesday. Ranbir and Hirani were present at the teaser launch with producer Vidhu Vinod Chopra and Fox Star Studios’ Vijay Singh. They opened up on the difficulties they faced while making the biopic on popular star Sanjay Dutt.
Filmmaker Rajkumar Hirani, revealed that the experience of making a biopic is very different from a regular future film especially at the scripting level. He further added that as the biopic was on Sanjay, who is not only successful and inspirational as a film star but has also had a controversial past.
“I think biopic is a totally different monster altogether because you don’t have a total control over it. When you write a fresh script, a regular story, you have control over it. It is your story… you can turn the flow of your characters in whichever way you want. That’s not the case with a biopic,” Hirani told the media. (Also Read: Ranbir Kapoor on ‘Sanju’ Teaser launch: “The best part was the ‘Munna Bhai’ phase”)
“I think we would not have been able to write the story from our imagination, and the best thing is that Sanjay has given us the access to his story and all the anecdotes. So during the making of the film, the journey was more of how to string those stories into one,” he added.
Hirani said the audience can expect to know some hidden facets of the life of Sanjay.
“As a filmmaker, I took chapters that interested me, but I am always interested in human stories. So I wrote the story of father-son, friendship… These are the stories that people do not know because the rest is all out there,” added the filmmaker.
‘Sanju’, which releases on June 29, features Ranbir Kapoor portraying different avatars of Sanjay from his newcomer days.