Filmmaker Rajkumar Hirani and actor Ranbir Kapoor are promoting ‘Sanju’ in full swing. During the promotions, this actor and director duo is sharing some interesting facts and incidents from Sanjay Dutt’s controversial life. Recently, during an interaction with India Today, Rajkumar Hirani gave an anecdote of Sanjay conning not one girl but several girls in the best way.
He said, “He would start dating a girl and take her to this graveyard. He would say, ‘I have brought you here to meet my mother.’ After this unusual meeting, the girl would feel emotionally attached to Sanju. The reality was that the grave was not his mother’s.”
Rajkumar Hirani added, “A girl broke up with him. So, Sanjay took his friend’s new car and smashed it into another car parked outside his ex-girlfriend’s house. Later on, Sanju found out that the car he rammed into belonged to his ex-girlfriend’s new boyfriend. Both cars were severely damaged.”
On the other hand, Ranbir Kapoor revealed, “I called Sanjay Dutt the night before every shoot. I wanted to know what was going through his mind when all of these incidents happened with him.”
Sharing an incident of Sanjay’s life, Ranbir said, “This particular time Baba was so high on drugs that he thought a candle was burning Sunil Dutt saab’s head. Sanjay then proceeded to put out the imaginary candle. It was then that Dutt saab got to know that Sanju was completely hooked on to drugs.”
‘Sanju’ also features Sonam Kapoor, Paresh Rawal, Manisha Koirala, Anushka Sharma, Dia Mirza and Vicky Kaushal among others. The film is set to release on June 29. Ranbir Kapoor is currently shooting for ‘Brahmastra’ with Ali Bhatt and Amitabh Bachchan. The film also stars Mouni Roy in a lead role.
The advance booking for this much-awaited film has begun! Guys book your tickets now!