Netflix India’s latest docuseries, The Roshans, has generated considerable buzz, offering an inside look into one of Bollywood’s most influential film families. The series traces the legacy of music director Roshan Lal Nagrath, his son composer and director Rajesh Roshan, and filmmaker Rakesh Roshan, while also showcasing the journey of Rakesh’s son, actor Hrithik Roshan. The docuseries has sparked discussions, particularly around the topic of nepotism in the industry. Recently, Rakesh Roshan made headlines with his statement that ‘nepotism does not exist’ in Bollywood.
Rakesh Roshan says Hrithik Roshan is not a nepo baby
In a recent conversation, Rakesh addressed comments made by Priyanka Chopra in the docuseries, where she praised the Roshan family for offering opportunities to outsiders. Reflecting on Hrithik’s Bollywood debut in his own directorial Kaho Naa… Pyaar Hai, Rakesh emphasised that Hrithik earned his spot through hard work, having spent years as an assistant. Rakesh told Draw Your Box, “Actually, I feel like there is nothing like nepotism. We always cast people who are right for the role. I knew Hrithik well and saw how hard he worked. He assisted me for four years, and when he joined the school and showcased his acting, I could see he had everything it took. That’s when I decided to launch him.”
Rakesh firmly reiterated that Hrithik’s debut was based solely on his merit, saying, “Had he not had all these things, I would have never launched him. So we launch actors and actresses on their capability.”
Priyanka Chopra on Rakesh Roshan and Hrithik Roshan’s treatment towards the outsiders
Priyanka, who worked with the Roshan family in Krrish (2006), Krrish 3 (2013), and Agneepath (2012), shared her admiration for their inclusive approach in the docuseries. She said, “They make their table longer. They pull in people like me, who didn’t grow up in the industry, and create opportunities so that it’s not just them who are benefiting from what they’ve been able to create. I really admire that the table doesn’t stay small.”
Despite her praise for the Roshans, Priyanka has previously addressed the impact of nepotism on her career. In a conversation on Dax Shepard’s podcast, she shared, “You know there are multi-generational actors that come in and get multiple opportunities versus the ones that come in from outside. You don’t have your uncle making a movie for you just because your last one tanked.” She added, “I was terrified when those six movies didn’t do well because I’m not a nepo baby. I didn’t have that kind of support that exists in a big way in Bollywood movies.”