Rakhi Sawant is someone who likes to be in the news due to her crazy antics. Recently, she attended an ITA Awards Show (alongside beau Deepak Kalal) wearing a strange attire. In a video, Deepak Kalal compared her to Sridevi and as a result, the couple were trolled mercilessly on social media.
You can take a look at the video here:
Take a look at some of the comments on the video.
This is not the first time Rakhi has done something outrageous. Some time ago, she had posted a video of hers saying that she would like to donate her boobs. “I don’t have anything else to donate other than my b**bs. So, I want to donate my b**bs. I don’t know who would want to have these. So, let’s see who gets these,” she said.
Another video that caught the ire of several trolls is a video of her sitting on a toilet seat, and asking Mike Tyson to save her from constipation. Most people found it disgusting and they trolled her for it.
Let us tell you that Rakhi Sawant is going to be married to Deepak Kalal on December 31. The couple have posted several videos announcing the same. Deepak Kalal has also said that he is going to go live on his suhaag raat. We wonder what goes through their mind in order for them to pull such antics.
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Also read:Â Rakhi Sawant mercilessly trolled for sharing a video of sitting on toilet seat