Ram Gopal Varma and Karan Johar’s fallout has been making the headlines for the longest time. It all goes back to when RGV had apparently called Karan’s movie Kabhie Alvida Na Kehna, the scariest movie that he had seen. To which Karan had replied saying he had a dream of watching Phoonk 2 while holding RGV’s hand and Varma had said, “Well, I don’t know about Phoonk 2, but I’m scared of the Karan Johar hand holding part.” But looks like all is good now between the two filmmakers as in an exclusive chat with us, Ram Gopal Varma revealed that he has no issues with Karan Johar at all.
Ram Gopal Varma said that he had given Karan the title of Bhoot and he was quite thankful for it. The filmmaker also revealed that he believes that he does not go to the extent to let anyone love or hate him so there are no issues and he is very cordial with Karan.
RGV told Bollywood Bubble, “I basically have no issues with anybody including Karan Johar. Because I don’t give anybody that much of anything to love or hate him, it’s cordial. In fact, recently when I made the film Bhoot Returns he (Karan) asked me for the title immediately gave it and he thanked me over the Twitter. So I don’t have an issue with anybody.”
Check out the full interview below:
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