Ranbir Kapor and Abhishek Bachchan who were to play an International celebrity football match in Dubai on January 31, with many of Bollywood’s leading men along with them. They will not be able to play ball, as their match has hit a roadblock called Sohail Khan. The charity match organised by Bunty Walia had to be cancelled as Sohail Khan’s cricket team ‘Mumbai Heroes’, was supposed to play their second CCL (Celebrity Cricket League) match at the same venue the very next day (February 1) at the same venue the Al Wasl stadium.
According to sources , a pretty miffed Sohail Khan sent a word to Bunty who as already prepared to take if to Dubai with his team and had also lined up the sponsors too, that he couldn’t host a game of football a day before his cricket match as some of the players in the football team – Aditya Roy Kapur, Shabbir Ahluwalia, Samir Kocchar- were also a part of Sohail’s team. The trio would not have been able to give their 100 per cent a day after a strenuous 90-minute football match.” So when Sohail contacted Bunty, he took some time but eventually relented.