Ranbir Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor have come together for Luv Ranjan’s untitled romantic drama. This is the first time that the actors are sharing screen space and fans are quite excited to see their onscreen chemistry. Shraddha Kapoor has raised the excitement level to a new high as she shared the first poster of the Luv Ranjan directorial but with a catch.
Shraddha Kapoor took to Instagram and shared the first poster of her movie with Ranbir Kapoor but has not revealed the title. She has shared a teaser poster with just the acronyms of the title TJMM, asking fans to guess the title of her upcoming film with Ranbir Kapoor
Check out the poster shared by Shraddha Kapoor here:
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As reported by sources to Bollywood Hungama, “Luv Ranjan will surprise the audience with a title announcement on December 14 with a special quirky video. It’s going to be a digital launch and will be played in multiplexes all across from December 16. It’s a quirky title and they want to announce it in their own way.”
Luv Ranjan’s films are known for his unique blend of humour and tongue-in-cheek take on relationships. The excitement around his upcoming release has been immense ever since it went on the floor. The film is produced by Luv Films’ Luv Ranjan and Ankur Garg, and presented by T- Series’ Gulshan Kumar and Bhushan Kumar. It is all set to have a festive release worldwide in cinemas on Holi, 8th March 2023.
On the work front, Ranbir Kapoor also has Animal with Rashmika Mandanna and Anil Kapoor.
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