Amitabh Bachchan, Ranbir Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor

Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor top the charts in terms of celebrity endorsements, with a 5% ad volume share,Ranbir Kapoor endorses brands such as Pepsi, Ruffles Lays, Oreo and Lenovo. The top endorsers list also features Kareena Kapoor, Amitabh Bachchan, Virat Kohli and Deepika Padukone—in that order. The difference in terms of ad volumes, however, is negligible among these actors.


As per sources,Most of the top actors are neck and neck in ad volume share and they beat each other with a difference of decimal points. The data is for the January—March 2014 period. Katrina Kaif was top celebrity endorser, for the same period in 2013 with a 7% ad volume share and she was followed by actor Shah Rukh Khan with a 6% ad volume share.

In public relations share, actor Salman Khan retained numero-uno position this year with a 5% buzz share, while Ranbir Kapoor trailed far behind in public relations buzz at number seven spot with a 2% buzz share. Anirban Das Blah, chief executive and managing director at entertainment and marketing solutions firm CAA Kwan said there were very few “youth” icons in India and Ranbir Kapoor was certainly one of them. “A lot of the popular male Bollywood stars are in their 30’s and for brands that want to capitalize on infectious youthful energy, Kapoor is the pick, Kapoor does things differently. For instance he is the only actor who doesn’t have a publicist. Neither does he have a Twitter account.”