It was a few days ago that a picture of Ranbir Kapoor from the sets of Sanjay Dutt biopic circulated online and left everyone impressed. The picture saw Ranbir’s uncanny resemblance with Sanjay’s younger self, with those long locks and clothes.
Apart from this, Ranbir is also beefing up his body to resemble Dutt. And according to recent reports, Ranbir will be sporting the same tattoos which Sanjay has inked on the several parts of his body. (Also Read: Not in his lavish car, Ranbir Kapoor is travelling to Sanjay Dutt biopic sets by ferry)
A source adds, “Ranbir has put in a lot of effort to adopt Sanjay’s gait and body language, which was difficult. Sanjay had provided around 200 hours of footage of him walking to make the job easier. While Ranbir is currently shooting for the portions where Sanjay is young, the team has started putting together all that they need to figure out for the other schedule, which will show Ranbir play a much older Sanjay.”
Further adding, “Everyone knows that Sanjay has a lot of tattoos on his body, so Ranbir is now contemplating getting them on his body as well. Sanjay’s tattoos are so intricate that Ranbir will have to sit down with the original tattoo artist to get a similar look.”
Ranbir sure is going all out for the film.