Ranbir Kapoor is currently immersed in shooting for Love and War in Mumbai, directed by the acclaimed Sanjay Leela Bhansali. The film also stars Alia Bhatt and Vicky Kaushal in lead roles and is set against a romantic and war-torn backdrop. Amidst this, Kapoor has an exciting lineup of projects, including the much-anticipated Dhoom 4, which he is slated to begin filming in April next year.
Dhoom 4 starring Ranbir Kapoor to go on floors next year
According to India Today Digital reports, “Kapoor will need to have a different look for Dhoom 4 and before starting that, he will wrap up his two existing projects. Dhoom 4 is expected to go on floors next April. The production team is currently looking to lock two female leads and an antagonist for the film. Key contenders to play the antagonist in the film are being considered from the South.”
The Dhoom franchise, known for its high-octane action and stylish heists, is one of Bollywood’s most popular series, and Kapoor’s inclusion has already created a buzz among fans.
In addition to Dhoom 4, Kapoor is also part of the mythological epic Ramayan, directed by Nitish Tiwari. The actor will portray Lord Ram, with Sai Pallavi playing Sita and Yash taking on the role of Ravana. With a massive budget of Rs 835 crore, the film promises to be a visual spectacle and is slated for a Diwali 2026 release.
Meanwhile, Kapoor’s current project, Love and War, is scheduled for a grand release on 20 March 2026. The romantic drama set against the backdrop of war is generating significant excitement, given the powerhouse team of Bhansali, Bhatt, Kaushal, and Kapoor.
Adding to this already-packed slate is a sequel to Animal, titled Animal Park. Directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, Animal has been confirmed as part of a three-film franchise. However, as Vanga’s next project is Spirit with Prabhas, the sequel to Animal will be delayed.