Actors Rani Mukerji and Saif Ali Khan are sharing screen space once again. They first shared screen space for Hum Tum and were last seen together in Thoda Pyaar Aur Thoda Magic which was released in 2008. Rani and Saif will be seen sharing screen space for Bunty Aur Babli 2 after a long hiatus. As the release date of the film is nearing, they were seen in a fun conversation with each other. Rani and Saif not only reminisced about the old shooting days but also spoke about many other things.
Amidst that, Rani Mukerji received a special gift from Bollywood Bubble’s Content Head Nayandeep Rakshit. His gift was much loved by the actress.
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Nayandeep from Bollywood Bubble gifted the Queen of Bollywood with a star named after her. The best part is that the star named RANI is located in the RAM constellation. For the unversed Rani Mukerji’s father’s name is Ram. She was overcome with emotion on receiving the special gift.
The actress also spoke about how her 25 years in Bollywood have been. She said, “These 25 years have been amazing.” And Rani added, “I’m just hoping and I’m praying that my audiences just want to see me 25 years more.”
Helmed by Varun V Sharma, Bunty Aur Babli 2 is all set to hit the big screens on November 19. The film stars Saif Ali Khan and Rani Mukerji as the OG Bunty Aur Babli whereas Siddhant Chaturvedi and Sharvari Wagh will play the new Bunty and Babli in the film.
Watch the funny conversation between Rani Mukerji and Saif Ali Khan here:
Also Read: When Adira started crying while watching Rani Mukerji in Bunty Aur Babli 2