Good news for all Ranveer Singh’s fans. The actor will be seen in Shankar’s film. Yes, you heard it right. Filmmaker Shankar took to his Twitter handle to share the news. He shared a picture with Ranveer and Pen Movies’ Dr. Jayantilal Gada and all three were dressed in all-black attire. Ranveer and Shankar have come together for the Hindi remake of the 2005 film Tamil hit Anniyan that starred Vikram. It was also helmed by Shankar.
“In this moment, no one will be happier than me, bringing back the larger than life cinematic experience with @RanveerOfficial in the official adaptation of cult blockbuster Anniyan. @jayantilalgada @PenMovies,” tweeted Shankar.
Take a look at the tweet here.
In this moment, no one will be happier than me, bringing back the larger than life cinematic experience with @RanveerOfficial in the official adaptation of cult blockbuster Anniyan.@jayantilalgada @PenMovies
— Shankar Shanmugham (@shankarshanmugh) April 14, 2021
Ranveer is also proud to be part of Shankar’s film. Sharing the same pic, he tweeted, “Proudly announcing my collaboration with the pioneering visionary of Indian cinema, the maverick master craftsman SHANKAR @shankarshanmugh powered by veteran film producer Dr. Jayantilal Gada @jayantilalgada @PenMovies”.
Proudly announcing my collaboration with the pioneering visionary of Indian cinema, the maverick master craftsman SHANKAR @shankarshanmugh ?? powered by veteran film producer Dr. Jayantilal Gada @jayantilalgada @PenMovies ???
— Ranveer Singh (@RanveerOfficial) April 14, 2021
For the unversed, Anniyan was dubbed into Hindi and released as Aparichit in 2006. The Hindi remake will be backed by Dr. Jayantilal Gada’s Pen Studios and God Bless Entertainment.
Ranveer Singh told Variety that he is blessed to have this opportunity to be a part of the spectacular cinematic vision of Shankar. He further said, “He is an exception to the norm, a true disruptor. I had always hoped and dreamed that I would get a chance to collaborate with him. To lead a film like Anniyan is a dream come true for any artiste.”
Talking about Vikram, Ranveer said that he admires him and raved about his performance in the original and he said that it can never be matched. “I can only hope that my interpretation and rendition of the part also connects with audiences in the same way,” he added.