Bollywood stars Ranveer Singh and Anushka Sharma, the two exes who have worked together in ‘Band Baaja Barat’ and ‘Ladies vs Ricky Bahl’, are all set to team up again for Zoya Akhtar’s next. The two of them had a close relationship during their ‘Band Baja Barat’ days, but later had gone their separate ways. Seems like Ranveer and Anushka are following the new mantra set up by Ranbir and Deepika’s of exes working together.
As per sources, Farhan Akhtar, who will play the lead role in the film, confirmed that Ranveer, Priyanka and Anushka are also part of it. Anushka is to play the love interest of Ranveer in the movie, which is based on bonding between brother (Ranveer) and sister (Priyanka).
Well it would truly be interesting to see the two exes once again together if only for the big screen as they truly look good together.