Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh are a couple who are truly in love! The ‘Bajirao Mastani’ are hosting their first reception party in Bengaluru today. The couple shared the first pic from their wedding reception on social media. The picture of Deepika and Ranveer is breathtakingly gorgeous and the chemistry between the lovebirds is out of this world!
Deepika Padukone is wearing a golden saree gifted by her mother Ujjala Padukone and Ranveer Singh is in Rohit Bal’s sherwani. The reception is at The Leela Palace, Bengaluru that is decorated with red roses and it looks so regal. The reception is expected to be a grand and magnificent affair, with many prominent personalities likely to arrive for the party.
The love story of Deepika and Ranveer has been nothing short of spectacular and the wedding certainly lived up to its expectations! Now, after the Bengaluru reception party, the other parties will be taking place on November 24, 28 and December 1.
Also Read: In Pics: Deepika and Ranveer look like a million dollars at their Bengaluru reception
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