Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt are reuniting after the 2019 blockbuster Gully Boy for the Karan Johar directorial, Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani and the film has been one of the most anticipated ones ever since its inception. It marks the filmmaker’s return to his brand of cinema and the first BTS glimpse he shared after over a month of shoot for the film had made the audience much more intrigued. And now, the film has officially ‘talkie wrapped’.
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Ranveer Singh shared a video documenting the ‘talkie wrap’ party of Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani, and even though his leading lady Alia Bhatt had already wrapped up her portion and is busy promoting her maiden production venture, Darlings, she joined the celebrations virtually.
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Sharing the video that also features Karan, Dharmendra, Shabana Azmi, Ibrahim Ali Khan and the rest of the team on the film, Ranveer wrote, “Many days of – hearty laughs, tears, mischief, love, blood & sweat. Somewhere in between action and cut, this kahani found a family within the hearts of everyone on set. IT’S A TALKIE WRAP ON #RockyAurRaniKiPremKahani with just 1 song to go! We will see you on the big screen! Coming soon in 2023 (sic)”.
Check out the video here:
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With just one song to go, Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani is all set to get into the post-production work. Recently, on the trailer launch of Liger, Ranveer had also revealed that Ananya Panday has a special song in the film that features them together. Lately, there were also reports that the film has been pushed due to one portion of the film now scheduled to be shot after Alia returns from her maternity leave. And even though the video says ‘Coming soon in 2023’, without specifying a date, it would still be one of the most awaited releases of the year, whenever it hits the theatres.
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Also Read: Ananya Panday to star in Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani song? Ranveer Singh opens up