Ranveer Singh and Ranbir Kapoor appeared on the third episode of the hit talk show, ‘Koffee With Karan 5’ and the made it quite a riot with their antics.
While the two spoke about everything from s*x and p*rn to competition and relationships, they also made a lot of revelations that shocked everyone. From Ranbir saying that he wants Ranveer and Deepika to stay together and make babies to Ranveer calling Deepika a marriage material, the duo was a laugh riot.
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But turns out, Ranveer never meant any of it as he thinks of ‘Koffee With Karan’ as a timepass show. Present at a recent event, when Ranveer was asked to comment on his confessions on the show, he said, “It’s just a timepass show where we all do bakwaas. No one takes it seriously. You also shouldn’t.”
We are pretty sure that Karan Johar will not be happy on hearing this.