Ranveer Singh was spotted at the Mumbai airport on Tuesday. The actor made a casual appearance at the airport and sported a simple look. He was clicked by the paparazzi stationed outside the airport during his exit from the arrivals. Ranveer skipped his funky and quirky airport look and opted for something rather simple for his recent travel. The actor has managed to leave his fans in shock with his simple look.
A paparazzo shared a video of Ranveer Singh from the airport on Instagram. The video shows the Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani actor is making an exit from the airport. He is leaving the premises and heading towards his car. Singh got clicked wearing a long-sleeved blue sweatshirt and brown sweatpants. Ranveer donned a color coordinated cap, sneakers and a mask. He even had a massive set of noise cancellation headphones and looked occupied on his mobile phone.
Take a look at the video below:
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Ranveer’s fans were in much shock with his airport look. Several fans took to the comments section of the post and expressed shock over his latest airport look. Fans wondered why and how Ranveer was dressed a simple and casual outfit. Reacting to the video, one user said, “I can’t believe this is ranveer singhhh,” while another commented, “Nhi bhai ranveer singh nhi h….isne toh normal kapde pehne h.” A third fan wrote, “OMG he wear genuine clothes.” A few users also heaped praise on Ranveer’s look. One said that the Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani actor had a “Nice look,” while another wrote, “He looks so different here.”
Before leaving the airport premises, Singh looked back at the paps and waved. He even posed for a photo. The actor then entered his car and left.
Meanwhile, Ranveer made headlines recently for his nude photoshoot. Work-wise, the actor was last seen in the movie Jayeshbhai Jordaar. He is set to feature in the Karan Johar directorial comeback titled Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani co-starring Alia Bhatt. The actor wrapped up the movie schedule recently.