Deepika Padukone brought glory to Indian cinema when she was appointed as one of the eight jury members at the ongoing Cannes Film Festival 2022. Her looks from the first few days at the festival have been just too gorgeous and the actress has been slaying at the red carpet. First it was her black and golden saree and then the red gown. She has been pulling it all off so elegantly and effortlessly. And now, her husband Ranveer Singh has also flown off to Cannes to be with her at the prestigious film festival.
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In the early hours of today, Ranveer Singh was spotted at the airport leaving to be by his wife Deepika’s side as she judges the films at the Cannes. And while the audience has been waiting to see his red carpet look there, his airport attire also won hearts. The actor donned a white hoodie paired with velvet pants and a cap, sunglasses, white sneakers and a red sling bag. Ranveer even shared pictures of his airport look on his Instagram stories accompanied with the music of Drake’s I’m on one, which is completely complementing his dapper look.
Check out Ranveer’s airport look here:
Ranveer was recently seen in the social dramedy Jayeshbhai Jordaar, which saw him as a common man from a small village in Gujarat who goes on a run to save his unborn daughter. The actor gave an amazing performance completely transforming himself into his character of Jayeshbhai. This month he also announced the release date of his next, Rohit Shetty’s Cirkus which also features Jacqueline Fernandez, Varun Sharma and Pooja Hegde. The film will be hitting the theatres on December 23, 2022. After that, he has Karan Johar-directorial Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani with Alia Bhatt which will hit the screens in February 2023.