Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s ‘Padmavati‘ has been facing terrible roadblocks during its shoot. Finally, the team has now resumed shoot in Film City, where they have set up a huge palace that is supposed to be Deepika Padukone and Shahid Kapoor’s kingdom and palace in the film.
But there’s another setback in place for SLB. Says a source from the sets, “Bhansali and Ranveer are constantly fighting these days and everything is not going as it should be. The team has already lost a few months in the process of getting their film ready. Now, Ranveer’s tantrums are leaving SLB fuming every day.” (Also read: Is ‘Baahubali’ the reason why the makers of ‘Padmavati’ are increasing their film’s budget?)
The reason behind this seems to be Bhansali’s alleged proximity to Shahid. “Sanjay is loving what Shahid is doing for the film. He has been acing all shots and the two have bonded famously. This has irked Ranveer who now feels Shahid is getting special attention. He is feeling left out. Deepika and Ranveer too aren’t talking much but that’s okay since they aren’t even shooting any scenes together.”
Shahid’s role is getting more prominence now, reveals the source. “Shahid’s role was supposed to be a short one initially but then, Sanjay altered the script in a way where Shahid’s role isn’t that of an extended appearance but a full fledged one. Shahid is the hero, Ranveer is the villain. But the main plot line definitely revolves around Deepika whose role remains unchanged.”
Insecure much, Ranveer?