Filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s epic period drama ‘Padmaavat’ has no doubt brought happy tidings for all its actors. Especially actors Shahid Kapoor and Ranveer Singh, who have finally entered in the Rs 200 crore club with this film. Both of them worked together for the first time and all their scenes in the film were just unforgettable. But, still there have been reports about cold vibes shared between the two since the film was in its making stage.
Post hitting the screens, all the lead stars of the film, Shahid, Ranveer and even Deepika are interacting with the media individually sharing their experiences while shooting the film and about playing their characters. It was during one of these interactions when Shahid, who played the role of a noble king Maharawal Ratan Singh said that he would have played the role of Sultan Alauddin Khilji (played by Ranveer) differently. (Also Read: Padmaavat makers squash reports of a portal for reporting fake news about Shahid-Ranveer rift)
With the actor’s this statement, certainly it is nothing less than an ironic moment. For the ones who aren’t aware, Ranveer had also once said that he would have done a better job than Shahid Kapoor if he would have been there acting in his film ‘Kaminey’ (2009).
The actor had claimed about this when he was a guest on Karan Johar’s chat show ‘Koffee With Karan’. But, perhaps Ranveer has come to his senses and today feels that he was very arrogant at that time and regrets for giving this statement.
In an exclusive interview to India Today, Ranveer talked about this saying, “In my first year, I was very arrogant. That was not something I should have said. I regret saying that.”
Further, even commenting on Shahid’s statement about playing Khilji differently, Ranveer added saying, “What’s wrong with saying that? I don’t know if he could have done it better or worse, but every actor brings something unique to the table.”
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