Ranveer Singh has left his fans stunned with his new movie Jayeshbhai Jordaar trailer which will leave you in splits. The actor had amped up the excitement yesterday when he updated his fans about the trailer dropping today. Ranveer has left everyone impressed as he plays the hilarious Jayeshbhai who does everything in his power to save his girl child.
In trailer starts with Ranveer aks Jayeshbhai looking stunned at his father played by Boman Irani aka the Sarpanch as he listens to a girl’s plea asking to put a ban on alcohol as men behave ruthlessly when drunk. But instead, the Sarpanch counters to put a ban on scented soap for women as this arouses the men.
Jayeshbhai is worried that if he is to follow in his father’s footsteps, nothing good would come out of it. Meanwhile, Jayeshbhai’s wife (Shalini Pandey) is pregnant and the couple is worried if they will have a daughter or son after already being parents to a daughter. But it all goes downhill when the doctor says Jai Mata Di and announces the couple is having a girl child. Post that, the journey of Jayeshbhai and his wife trying to save their unborn daughter begins. While the plot seems quite impactful, the trailer will leave you laughing hard.
This is the first time that Ranveer will be seen as a father in the movie and he sure looks promising. Stuck between the rules of the society and the gentle heart of a father, What will Jayeshbhai do?
Check out the Ranveer Singh starrer Jayeshbhai Jordaar Trailer below:
Also, starring Jayeshbhai Jordaar is Ratna Pathak Shah, Jia Vaidya and Deeksha Joshi. The Ranveer Singh starrer will release on May 13 this year in cinemas.
Also Read: Jayeshbhai Jordaar: Ranveer Singh looks amazed in new poster from upcoming movie