Bollywood superstar Ranveer Singh is going through a purple patch. The 33-year-old actor’s ‘Simmba’ is roaring at the box office and at the time of writing, it has already done business worth Rs 190 crore at the box office. Ranveer also got married to lovely and gorgeous Deepika Padukone on November 14 and 15 in Italy’s Lake Como.
But, Ranveer Singh has also faced tough times and hardships. The ‘Kill Dil’ actor has reached at this level in his career due to sheer hard work and dedication. In an interview given to news agency PTI, Ranveer talked about his struggle period and difficult times.
Ranveer Singh said, ”I had a proper struggle period of three and half years, so today when opportunities come my way, I value them tremendously. I never lose sight because I have a vivid memory of the times when I had none of this.”
The ‘Padmaavat’ actor further added, ”This one kid, out of nowhere, had a dream and he’s now living it. Everyday my heart is filled with gratitude. I pray before I go to work and always say thank you because I value it. It is surreal what is happening with me, or around me. This love keeps me grounded and humbled. When fans ask me to get clicked with them, what I am actually thinking is, “What? Me? Do they really want to be clicked with me.””
Ranveer Singh has proved that if you have talent and temperament, then no one can stop you. The animated and energetic actor is now waiting for his next release ‘Gully Boy’. Ranveer will be for the first time seen with Alia Bhatt and the film is being directed by Zoya Akhtar.
‘Gully Boy’ is expected to release on February 14, 2019.
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