‘Maine Pyar Kiya’ actress Bhagyashree’s son Abhimanyu Dassani is all set to make his Bollywood debut with Vasan Bala’s ‘Mard Ko Dard Nahi Hota'(MKDNH). The film received a tremendous response at the Toronto Internation Film Festival, and now it is all set to hit the Indian silver screens on March 21.
Also starring Radhika Madan, ‘Mard Ko Dard Nahi Hota’ follows the story of a young man(Abhimanyu) who has a rare condition called Congenital insensitivity to pain. With the film’s release date around the corner, the makers and it’s lead actors are quite busy these days with its promotion.
And just as the film’s unique storyline, its promotional strategies are also quite out-of-the-box. Abhimanyu who is playing Surya in ‘MKDNH’ recently shared a hilarious video on his Instagram handle.
In the video, Simmba Ranveer Singh meets Surya Abhimanyu and naturally, he can’t keep himself from testing if the latter is actually immune to pain. So Ranveer punches Abhimanyu where it hurts the most and what happens next is something very hilarious.
You can check out his post below:
Ranveer walks away saying, “Its cool, its cool Mard ko dard nahi hota”. Now isn’t this a funny way of promoting a film?
In one of his recent interviews, Abhimanyu even expressed his wish to work with Ranveer someday. Going by their camaraderie, we are sure they will make for great co-stars.
For more such interesting updates keep watching this space.
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PS: Sharmaji ki Ladki sucks at writing bios.
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