Bollywood’s hunk Ranveer Singh who has become a youth icon after the stupendous success of the Durex Ad Online and the subsequent signing of an e-commerce brand like Myntra, today made a dramatic entry on Facebook with his official page. The actor will now be able to directly interact with his fans on the platform about the news and also his views .
As per sources, Ranveer Singh, the dynamic actor has partnered with CA Media Digital’s first venture, Fluence- India’s leading Celebrity digital network for this initiative to further create his digital presence across different digital platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Youtube and many more.
Sources further added that an excited, Ranveer Singh said, “I am looking forward to being more active on social media platforms. The success of my first ad campaign that was carried out exclusively online opened my eyes to the potential of social media. It’s certainly the way of the future. Also, I wasn’t keen on being this active on social media platforms initially, but I’ve had to relent now given the number of people that have been urging me to be more connected so I’ll be using these platforms to stay connected with my fans whom I adore so much”.
Lets see if Ranveer Singh will be able to break girlfriend Deepika Padukone’s record of million fans.